My thoughts on the books I read this month. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “First Lie Wins” - Ashley Elston I went into this pretty much blind. I had seen it all over the place and it was recommended by a friend. I’m so glad that she did because it pushed it to the front of my want to read list. This is a well written cat and mouse story. I found just enough crumbs along the trail to keep the story moving forward. The flashbacks in time all tied in nicely with the story, there was a good balance of character development and plot and while there were a few surprises, they were ones that were logical. I didn’t realize this was written by a Louisiana author and was based in Louisiana until I started the book. That adds a little extra for me. But no matter where you live, this is one for any reader of thrillers. Thanks Gayle for pushing it up my TBR. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Bright Young Women - Jessica Knoll A good fictional telling of the victims story. ...
Here's my monthly impressions of books I've read - and occasionally other thoughts.