Ready to Fall by Claire Cook Don't bother reading this book. I like the premise of a book written around written correspondence only - whether it's letters, e-mails, IM's, etc. I seldom like the story that goes along with the premise though. This one is not an exception. The main character is going through a mid-life crisis of sorts and sets her sights on her soon to be divorced neighbor. The only interesting part is when she goes off to "Special Delivery" camp to discover herself. The stories about what happens while there are entertaining. But I never liked any of the characters in the book - all too self absorbed and boring. Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer This one was not exactly what I expected. I thought thee would be more about what happened in Alaska that resulted in Mr. McCandless' death. While that is covered some, the main story is about his travels before Alaska. There are also stories of other people with a vagabond heart and speculation on how th...
Here's my monthly impressions of books I've read - and occasionally other thoughts.